5 Louis Johnson Basslines (and how to play them)by huwfosterTutorials, VideoPosted on January 17, 2022December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 3 – Drop-D Double Thumbby huwfosterQuick Licks, Tutorials, VideoPosted on July 13, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 2 – Phrygian Phunkby huwfosterQuick Licks, Tutorials, VideoPosted on June 4, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
5 Prince Basslines (and how to play them)by huwfosterTutorials, VideoPosted on May 22, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
BL007 Slap in E with superfast fillby huwfosterBasslines, Tutorials, VideoPosted on August 22, 2015December 22, 2022Comments are Disabled