The Songs That Taught Me Bass Ep1: Sunshine of Your Loveby huwfosterTutorials, VideoPosted on October 7, 2023March 21, 2024Comments are Disabled
BL013 – Study in Arpeggiosby huwfosterBasslines, Tutorials, VideoPosted on August 7, 2023August 4, 2023Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 11 – Finger Funk Dexterityby huwfosterQuick Licks, Tutorials, VideoPosted on July 17, 2023July 17, 2023Comments are Disabled
5 Louis Johnson Basslines (and how to play them)by huwfosterTutorials, VideoPosted on January 17, 2022December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 3 – Drop-D Double Thumbby huwfosterQuick Licks, Tutorials, VideoPosted on July 13, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 2 – Phrygian Phunkby huwfosterQuick Licks, Tutorials, VideoPosted on June 4, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
Quick Lick 1 – Parallel Major 7thsby huwfosterQuick Licks, Transcriptions, VideoPosted on May 12, 2021December 14, 2022Comments are Disabled
BL007 Slap in E with superfast fillby huwfosterBasslines, Tutorials, VideoPosted on August 22, 2015December 22, 2022Comments are Disabled
BL006 Synth bass jam 2by huwfosterBasslines, VideoPosted on June 7, 2015December 22, 2022Comments are Disabled
BL005 Funky pick riff with fillsby huwfosterBasslines, VideoPosted on April 5, 2015December 22, 2022Comments are Disabled